Wednesday, December 3, 2008

We are packed - I think

Exhausted but unable to sleep I thought I would get another post in before heading out tomorrow morning. It was crazy how a nesting feeling just overwhelmed me today. While completely procrastinating on getting the luggage packed, I got the house back in order, laundry all caught up, and baked cookies for Brady and Madison. We eventually did get into packing mode. I'll spare you the details, but it is difficult to pack when you have to watch the weight of your luggage. I am used to completely over packing just in case I am not in the mood for a particular outfit. That won't fly this time. I am also used to having a very handsome strong gentleman by the name of Justin carry my heavy luggage as well. Also not going to fly this time. So I had to make some tough choices tonight :o)!

I tried really hard to keep it together when putting the kids to bed. I want them to stay excited about the extra time they will have with the grandparents. I did pretty well. I was able to let the tears roll down my cheeks in silence as I gave them hugs and was able to slip out without making too much of a scene.

Our photobook we ordered from Walgreens did not arrive today. They are just positive it will arrive tomorrow. That does us no good. I guess if that is the worst that has happened so far then we should count our blessings. Now I have a new project for the hours of travel. I have gathered several of our photos and will put together my own album with both Russian and English words to leave our lil one.

Tomorrow morning my mom and Justin's mom are going to come and pick us up so that we can be in Macomb by 6:45 a.m. for the train. Brady and Madison will get to see us off and then be treated to an ever so healthy breakfast at McDonalds before school. We will fly out of O'Hare airport tomorrow evening (God willing) and arrive in LA. From LA we will fly to Seoul and then to Vlad.

Continued prayers and encouragment are greatly appreciated. We feel with every ounce of our being that what we are doing is right for our family, but we do know that there are going to be bumps along the way. We just hope they are little bumps and not huge potholes on path. Off we go!!! YEAH (or yee-haw as Justin would say!)


Anonymous said...

I heard the train whistle as I was finishing reading your post. Said a quick prayer that all would go well for the trip. There's a computer on the second floor of the Incheon airport if you're looking to update people. That's my way of saying UPDATE OFTEN! You have people who will be living vicariously through you & will be obsessively checking your blog for an update. I'm sure it'll be more than just me ;-)

God's Blessings on your journey!

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you as you make a long travel day(s). I totally agree with Kristen...can't wait to get a blog update! (if you are able to when you are over in Russia)

Safe travels, happy thoughts, and no worries :)