Friday, May 7, 2010

Shaymus Relays

On May 6th we attended the Shaymus relays. Shaymus is a boy in Brady’s class that has cancer. His father is a coach for the women’s soccer team (I think) at WIU. It was a heartwarming night to see the so many college students putting on a fundraiser to help Shaymus’ family. There were several children that participated.

Brady and a group of his friends
Madison’s relay team

We are all in this together. This picture sums up the event! Madison with her arm around Gracie.

Our two cheeseballs! We are so proud of them.

Here are the kids in our bible study group with Rocky.

Blake had a great time supporting all the participants!

1 comment:

Gloria said...

How wonderful for so many to get involved. That's great!