Thursday, September 30, 2010

Such a big boy!

Today is Blake’s 5th birthday. He has been so excited about turning 5. He wants to be big. (We hear that at least 15 times a day.) The changes that he has made in the past year have been amazing. He seems to understand the meaning of family now. He knows that Brady, Madison, Justin and I are super special to him. He has even begun to show some shyness in public around strangers. This is a very healthy development. We have continued with speech therapy. He has an outstanding teacher this session. She lets Blake be the teacher. So for example she will have him show her a picture of a horse. She will say “Hort” which is how it sounds when Blake says it. He will then get very serious and say “No, that is not right! It is horsssssssssssssssssssse.” This is a great strategy and seems to really be working for him. He is also continuing swim lessons this year. He is not afraid to have his face in the water, and he is getting more coordinated which is helping. Blake seeks Justin’s approval on everything (and dad is happy to give it!). If Justin puts his foot up on a bench, you will see little Blake right next to him copying his pose. When I pick him up from school, he will tell me that he has been good all day. Then he quickly follows up by saying, “Let’s call dad and tell him I be good!” He and Brady crack each other up. Brady is so patient with him and loves to include him in on things. Blake and Madison have a very typical sister – little brother relationship. She loves him to pieces and will read to him. But she is easily annoyed by him and she does not want him anywhere near her things – that is unless she wants someone to play with. As for me and Blake…. I just love him so much! He is the baby of the family right now. While I wouldn’t say that I spoil him, I would definitely say he gets some special attention. (0:  He is still just as light as a feather which makes it so easy for me to pick him up. I tell him that God made him tiny so I could pick him up and hug him for many years to come!

Happy Birthday Blake! We love you.

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