Friday, September 26, 2008

Getting started and caught up

Well, it seems like the best way to share our journey and get information out to everyone is to jump onto the blogging bandwagon. This is going to be hard for me for a number of reasons. 1) I really don't like to write. 2) This sort of goes against my whole internet safety instinct about not giving out too much information about yourself. (I have come to the realization that if people care enough to dig up information on you - they can do it so what's the big deal? Right?) 3) How do I possibly add one more thing to the plate to stay on top of?

So here is my best shot.

I will work to bring this blog up to speed on how we got to where we are today.


heather said...

Yeah..I'm glad you started a blog so we can keep up with you guys. I showed Jake Madison's picture and he was so happy to see her.


Anonymous said...

I am excited that you are willing to share this. Being so far away will help me feel like a part of it all. I have wanted to adopt or be a foster parent but never felt my circumstances were right. I would have loved more children. Am I to OLD now?? I tend to "adopt" my sons friends children so maybe that is what I am suppose to be, A support person for "single" or struggling parents. Is to long? Am I only suppose to make short "comments". I think your choice is FABULOUS, some child(ren) are going to be very fortunate.
Aunt Betty

Anonymous said...

Heather and Justin, thank you for sharing your story here! I have been so excited to hear your adoption beginning process over the past year and look forward to hearing as the progress continues. We only wish we were still in Macomb, IL, to see you on a daily basis and support you face to face. We miss you all!
Love, kate - for greg, teagan, toby