Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bottle it up for the teenage years

Last night at bedtime Madison was teary-eyed because Justin was not home. I reminded her that daddy was with Nanna, Grandpa, and Uncle Gary having fun and that he would be home on Sunday. She looked at me with big tears in her eyes and said “I just have so many feelings inside me.” I gave her a huge hug and then she said “I especially have lots of feelings for the people I love.” It was so sweet. If I could just bottle this moment up and save the sweetness (like holy water!) for the teenage years when she thinks we are the worst parents on the face of the earth!

Brady came downstairs last night and announced to me in a very serious voice “I played my DS for 30 minutes and read for 30 minutes so I am balanced.” Hmmm wonder where he hears such talk about being balanced in life?!?!?

Blake, Brady, Madison, and I had a date today with my mom and my aunt Becky (JoJo). We saw The Blindside, did a little shopping, and ate dinner together. Blake loved all of the extra attention. He had JoJo wrapped around his little finger. Tonight we are going to have a little gathering with our ‘old’ small group. It will be great to have the group together again!


Kate S. said...

LOVE reading your blog. Just read the last two and Justin are awesome parents!!!! The stories/memories are soooo darn cute. Oh my, I guess I should prepare for those questions when Tea gets to Brady's age!! And Madison- oh so sweet. Reading your blog makes me really miss being around you and your family.

Holly said...

Hmmm.....still trying to figure out where Brady would get the message that having a balanced life is important. :)

Miss you all so much.

True Story said...

Hi O'Streets, Ry and I are cracking up reading your blog on a lazy snowy morning in Albuquerque. I can't wait for Uncle Jussy to splain birds and bees to Bodi bear!
We miss our dirt and seed and their little corn husks.
We can't wait for you to visit ? : )