Sunday, January 10, 2010

Birds and bees = seeds and dirt

It is times like these that I am glad we made this blog private. I have never been good about writing down the cute things the kids say or journaling or completing baby books and scrapbooks. They enjoy reading past entries on the blog and I hope this blog is a great gift to them as they get older.
So here is our funny story from last week that has kept me laughing even as I write this. We have several friends that have recently had babies or who have announced their pregnancies. We received a late Christmas letter from Justin’s best friend from high school announcing their fourth pregnancy. We were in the kitchen talking about how exciting this is for them and wondering if they will be blessed with a fourth girl or their first boy. About an hour later, we were tucking the kids in bed and I hear Justin say, “Ahhh, Heather can you come in here for a minute.” I left Madison’s room and headed into Brady’s room (age 9 – third grade). Justin asked “Is Brady old enough to hear about the birds and the bees? He is wondering how people get pregnant.” Instantly my blood pressure raised quite a bit and I started stammering. Wow – I don’t think Justin and I are mature enough to talk about this subject let alone to our third grader. I was trying to dodge the question. Then I thought maybe we could just dodge the question all together. Thankfully we quickly came to our senses and realized we would much rather him come to us for answers than someone else, and we did not want to make him feel uncomfortable for asking. So I started stammering around with words like “When two people love each other….” and then my dear sweet husband jumps in and says….

“Well Brady it is like mom is the dirt and dad is the seed.” “The dirt!!!” I exclaimed? “The dirt, really?!?” “How did I become the dirt?” I asked. It was really a great analogy from our resident agriculturalist about planting the seed in the dirt and it growing ect… Brady seemed good with that explanation for now too. But we have not stopped laughing about comparing the woman to dirt – not rich fertile soil or something more pleasant sounding – but dirt! Justin and I have decided that we really need to better prepare ourselves for the next time this question comes up.


Unknown said...

Great Analogy! Of course I can hear him now asking about the fertilizer! LOL....

the johnson's said...

So glad our announcement could provide this wonderful teaching opportunity for your family!! If it makes you feel any better, we have been getting asked a few questions at our house as well. :-)