Thursday, December 30, 2010

9 months of chocolate

On our last evening in Vlad we took Irina and Lana out for dinner to their favorite Chinese restaurant downtown.  During dinner we got on the topic of what Justin and I had given up for about 9 months as a way to remain in constant prayer over our adoption.  Both girls could not believe that I had given up all chocolate for that period of time.  (Honestly – I think I need to give it up again as a weight loss measure!!!)  The next day we headed downtown to get one last document notarized before heading out on the plane that afternoon.  As I gave Irina a hug goodbye she handed me a gift bag.  She said she had gotten me 9 pieces of chocolate for each of the months I had given it up.  That was so thoughtful of her!  I wanted to include pictures as a reminder of how sweet those two girls are!   

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