Monday, June 8, 2009

Shoes, Snakes, and Baseball

This week is Vacation Bible School for our church so we have my niece and nephew spending the week with us. I can see how people with larger families get the “What’s one more?” attitude. With five children running around today they are pretty much entertaining themselves. I just have to play referee every once in a while.

This morning I got woke up by the cutest little “Good Morning, Mama”. It is not unusual for Blake to repeat us saying good morning or good night, but for him to do it on his own is a first. Progress is good.

Here are a few pictures from the past week.

Here is Blake in Daddy’s size 13 shoes. He thought he was real cool in those and tried walking all over the house. I drew the line when he wanted to maneuver the stairs!

The library reading program this summer has a jungle theme. Last week they brought in the snake man for the kids to enjoy. I personally was not too keen on going, but as you can see in the picture Brady thought it was essential that we went.

This is Madison’s first year playing baseball. On Friday the coach told her she was going to be the catcher for the game. She smiled and nodded. When he turned around she came over to me and said, “Mama, which one is catcher?” Ohhh, it was too cute. And she took the job very seriously!


Clarese said...

All three of your kids are adorable. I love the shoe picture - too funny!

Amy said...

Since you are so happy with 5... why not go back for 2 more? LOL


Enjoy your week!!

Kim said...

5 in one house, wow! I am glad you are handling it so well. Sometimes I wonder if I can handle 3. :) Great pictures! The snake one gave me the