Sunday, August 30, 2009

Why private?

I am still working on sending out the emails so that people who wish to can still read our blog after we make it private this week. I have been asked by a few people why we are making the blog private. There are several reasons, but the main reason is because of Brady and his age. He and his friends are now getting on the internet more and more. Right now he loves to have me put things up on the blog, but I know that as soon as one of his friends comes across something they find funny and uses that to tease him he will change his mind. That isn’t to say that that sort of thing isn’t going to happen anyway, but growing up is hard enough. If I can still share our story, but do it in a way that may protect each of our children in some fashion, I owe it to them to do that.

Some people have emailed me and said that they would like to keep reading, but that they don’t want to be nosey or intrude if those are our wishes. I can’t stress enough how much we enjoy sharing our story with others. I can’t necessarily say I think it is the most exciting story now that the initial drama of the adoption is over, but it is still a joy to share. We are happy to let anyone that is interested continue reading. Please don’t hesitate to email ( or leave a comment and we’ll add you to the list. We just want to have a bit more control over who can see some of the more intimate details of our lives.

Blake will begin school a week from Tuesday. He will get to ride the school bus across town to Brady and Madison’s school at the end of each day, and he is so excited about that. Every bus he sees he says, “Bus, Me! Bus, Me! Beep Beep!”

Here are a few pictures that were taken awhile back that I don't think I have shared with you yet.

This really is typical behavior for these three!

I think this picture of Blake is soooo cute.

Here's Miss Madison!


Tracey and Chuck said...

Thank you so much for allowing us to see your blog. I enjoy see how the kids are progressing. Hopefully we will be heading to Vlad one of these days soon and will be looking for your advice. Hope everything is going great for you and your family.


Rich and Jolynn said...

Those are some fantastic pics! I enjoy reading and want to thank you for the invite. :) Good luck with school, Blake (& Mommy too)!