Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Blake’s school experience

Well so far things are going ok with school. Blake sees several busses in the morning and still says, “Me bus” each time. Of course I am the one that told him he was going to get to ride the bus once school started. Ugh! I wish I hadn’t made that mistake. The first day he claimed he did nothing. Several people asked several questions. Did you eat lunch? – “No” Did you look at books? – “No” Did you sit by new friends? “No” Did you take a nap? “No”. Finally I asked, Do you want to go back to school? “Me, school tomorrow.” I figured as long as he wanted to return it wasn’t that bad. Day two was better. This time he claims they did feed him, he did look at books, he did take a nap, and he played. So we shall see how the rest of the week goes.

So some interesting things have crossed my mind as we worked on registration papers for school. One thing is I really want to get the ball moving on getting a US issued birth certificate. The Russian birth certificate is not something I wish to share with the school. I feel it should be Blake’s choice on who knows his Russian name and the name of his birth mother. Then I realized I wasn’t even a hundred percent sure what to put as his place of birth. Sounds funny I know, but really it is complicated. His birth certificate and other documents we have list Artem City as his birthplace. This is correct. However, for reasons I cannot explain (welcome to the world on international adoption) a step in finalizing the adoptions in that region actually registers the birth certificates with Vladivostock. So some of the paperwork list Vladivostock as his place of birth. I think it best to stop procrastinating and figure out what we need to do to get the US birth certificate.

We have a busy weekend planned. We are going up to Chicago to see some great friends. We are excited for each of them to meet Blake and to see their families as well. We hope all is well with each of you!

First day of school photos…


Gloria said...

Glad school is going well for Blake. Glad they fed him! He is just the cutest!

Clarese said...

That is funny about day one of school. He is such a cutie.

Unknown said...

Hey, keep us informed on what it takes to get the IL Birth Certificate...we will have to do 2, hopefully soon. Have a great trip to Chicago, my mom and SIL are heading to Macomb for Mom's weekend at WIU.