Monday, March 1, 2010

No fun Needles

Sooo many times last week I intended to get an update done and just could not find the time to do it. So instead of sharing all my ‘deeper’ thoughts about various events, I am back to random updates as usual. On Sunday, February 21 our church had a child dedication that we participated in. This is not a baptism. We were in front of the congregation and our minister prayed for the children, for our families, for the church to play a role in raising them, etc…

Last Thursday, Blake had a doctor’s appointment scheduled to get his checkup for the post placement report. We were thankful it was scheduled because earlier in the week he got a repeat ear infection and broke out in a rash. The rash is from a viral infection so they say and it just has to go away on its own, but we did get another round of antibiotics for his ears. He also had to get his second Hep A vaccine. Last May when he got the first shot he barely flinched. Everyone commented on how awesome he did. This time was quite different. He saw the needle and freaked! Tears started rolling and his little body tensed up. Thankfully the nurse was super fast and as soon as I scooped him up, he stopped crying and all was well. BUT I then learned that our homestudy agency recommends a follow up HIV and Hepatitis B screening. For those that don’t know, this involves more than one vial of blood and we had to have it drawn at the hospital. So off we went next door and Blake was less than thrilled about the experience. It didn’t help that his little arms are so tiny and the lab technician had a hard time getting the needle in the vein. When we got back to the car, Blake looked at me wide eyed and said “No More!” I felt bad for him. Thankfully (as far as I know) we are done with the blood work for a long time.

I haven’t taken too many pictures lately. Here is Brady in the George Washington wig he wore for a reader’s theater at school.

Justin and Brady went skiing for the first time with Bill and Tanner Buchanan – well first time for Brady and like the third time for Justin. They had a blast and continue to talk about it a week later.

Brady then gained a new interest in skiing and I found him watching the Olympic skiers on television while wearing his ski goggles!

This week is parent watch week at the dance and tumbling studio the kids go to. Tonight we watched Blake attempt to do somersaults in his pre-tumbling class while Madison was working on her running round off double flip flop – or something like that! And we watched her hip-hop dance class.  I am sad I didn't grab our good camera because none of Madison's pictures turned out.

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