Friday, November 14, 2008

Off they go!

So we got this email today!

Dear Justin and Heather,
I have reviewed your Registration documents and everything is OK. Thank you so much. I am sending your documents to Moscow today, Friday, November 14. They will arrive in a couple of days. Once you are assigned a region by the Moscow office, I will contact you to let you know where that is. Then you will need to start working on Region specific documents. I will guide you through that process when the time comes. Congratulations on completing the next step in the process and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Pam Bischoff

My heart raced just reading it. I mean, I knew they were supposed to go out today, but to get the confirmation made me all nervous and excited!

Couple of other random thoughts. Justin and I went with two other couples to see Fireproof last night. It is a totally low budget movie and a bit cheesey, but the message is a good one. I highly recommend it to any married or to-be married couples. Here are a couple of websites that tell you a bit more. and The Love Dare

Madison has her first dance competition this weekend in Des Moines. Hopefully I will get some pictures to post on here. Have a great weekend everyone!

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