Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ups and Downs of Court Day

Day 1/10

I’m gonna apologize now for this being a long entry. There are lots of things about the day we want to remember.

We started out the day with our first webcam session with Brady and Madison. It was great to see them and check in on what has been going on back home. We weren’t but a minute or so into the call when they began pushing each other so that they could be in front of the camera. Gotta love the sibling spats! They started off by telling us that they have been sleeping on our bed and wearing one of Justin’s sweatshirts each night. They were proud to announce that they are going to wear the sweatshirts every day we are gone. We hope they wash them at some point :o) Of course after disconnecting from the chat session we were sad. We still have soooo many days left before returning home.

We spent the morning hanging out with the True Family (Sandy, Ryan, and Bodi) and picking their brains about court. Around noon we decided to go back to the room and reread our homestudy, Blake’s medical and family information, and make a list of notes to have with us in court. We were to be picked up in the lobby around 2:30-2:45 for our 4:00 court session. Well because there was NOTHING else to do, Justin and I began getting ready for court early. We decided to be in the lobby at 2:15 just to be on the safe side – and to get us out of our room! At 2:12 the phone in our room rings. It was Lana, our interpreter. She said, “Heather, there has been a mistake (insert here – heart pounding, lump in throat developing, stomach turning). The judge changed the court time to 2:00 not 4:00. She only told half of the people 2:00. Irina will be there to pick you up in ten minutes. Please be ready!” Well that sure made things interesting. Justin and I prayed together before leaving the room and then headed to the lobby. Sandy took a quick picture of us before court as parents of 2 children and then we got a picture after court as parents of 3 children!

So Irina picked us up and drove like a race car driver into Vladivostock. We had Natalia, the Artem Baby Home director with us in the car. Irina explained that the prosecutor is her friend (cha ching!) and called her at 2:00 and asked where she was. Irina explained that she was driving to pick the director up, that is when she learned that the court time had changed. Oye! When we arrived, Irina dropped us off at the door so that she could park the car. Lana, our interpreter was on her way. So if you can possibly follow the characters of this story… Justin and I are walking into the Primorsky Regional Court with no one that speaks English. We get past the security counter and sit on a bench to wait. It seems as though people are pretty calm and that the time mix-up had been smoothed over. Then the court reporter opens the door to the small court room and motions us in. YIKES! Where is Lana? Where is Irina? Surely they know we can’t understand a word they are saying right?!?! The judge walks in and we all stand. She said something and the prosecutor said “Passports”. So we handed our passports over. Thankfully they didn’t continue until Lana entered the room. She probably arrived about 2 minutes after we had gone in.

Over all the ‘hearing’ wasn’t that bad. It took about 40 minutes and quite a bit of that time was spent with the director of the baby home and the social worker for Artem, Svetlana, speaking to the judge. Justin spoke first. They asked him about 3 questions. I got to answer all of the rest. It was hard to look at the Judge which you can’t understand and then look at the interpreter then speak to the judge who in turn listens to the interpreter. Quite an interesting process.

Some of our questions (Helpful for future adopting parents):

Are biological children prepared for the child?
Why do you want to adopt when you can have children of your own?
Why from Russia?
How did the child react to you?
Does he know you? What does he call you?
Which one of you does the child like better? (They asked me that. A part of me wanted to ask if they were seriously asking that question. But instead, I said that I felt he enjoyed his interactions with Justin more. It seems like he likes having a male influence around)
There was a question about our mortgage and how the economic crisis has affected us.
Who will be the primary caregiver of the child?
What services can we provide for him?
Have we spoken to doctors about his delays?

We left the court room for 2 minutes, went back in and the judge stated that we are the legal parents of the child. After the 10 day waiting period we will be legal guardians. Congratulations. We were very excited at that point. We then got in the car with Lana and began to leave.

Ok, so at this point we were relieved to have that done and over with. We were then waiting to hear whether or not we would get to have Blake with us at the hotel. We knew that Artem has only let one child stay with the parents during the 10 days. But we were hopeful. Irina feels very passionate that this is so important for the families, and now almost all of the baby homes and orphanages allow it. She said she would give it her best shot. So as we are driving to the market, Justin says to Lana that we would have to take her and Irina out to dinner and get some good Chinese food. She turns and looks at us with a sad face and says, “Guys, with what I have to tell you, you will not want to buy us dinner.” (picture big happy balloon being stuck with a needle). She said that Irina just called and we will not be able to have Blake during the 10 days. She said Irina is furious right now and is yelling about it. For future Artem adoptive parents here is what we have learned. We got permission from the baby home director, we got permission from the Ministry of Education, we got permission from the social worker that saw us play with Blake. The decision is up to the Director of the Department of Family Services in Artem city. She is the chief or boss to Svetlana, the social worker. When Irina spoke with her she said no. This made Irina angry. She then spoke with the MOE. The MOE said that they can only suggest and make recommendations but they cannot force the Department of Family Services to allow it. I can’t help but to wonder if this woman has ever seen the children in the orphanages. We know she has never seen us. If only we could speak with her directly and try to connect with her personally. Perhaps bring her flowers, chocolate, perfume…. Just kidding!

So that is the long way of telling you that we will not get to have Blake with us at the hotel. We are very disappointed, but we also knew this would likely be the case. Hopefully we will get to visit him most of the 10 days. It will depend on a number of things. And there aren’t visits over the weekend so we’ll have to find something to pass the time. We do get to go visit today at 3:00. Hopefully today we will get to just spend the whole time playing without interruptions. And we will be having another webcam session with Brady and Madison in a few hours!

Thank you so much for the emails, comments, and prayers. They really help us keep our sanity!

Before court.

After court - proud parents of THREE children!


Gloria said...

Congrats with court! Sorry you were not able to have Blake with you at the hotel for they 10 days. Enjoy your visits! So happy for your family of five!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on #3! I'm so sorry you don't get to have Blake with you. Don't you just love how people like to exert their control? You'll be experts in Int'l Diplomacy when this is all done.

Oh & don't apologize for long entries. It's so important to record everything. Blake will appreciate it later & those of us living vicariously through you don't mind at all ;-)


Amy said...

Congrats!! I loved the long entry!!

As much as it stinks NOT to have custody... think of it as a gradual re-introduction with Blake. He'll love seeing you everyday and by the time your 10 days is up... he'll be so comfortable with you it will make the transition easier. :)

Kim said...

Hip hip hooray! I am so glad your eventful court day ended on a positive note! Bummer about Black but you will be with him each day and I it will go by fast, I pray. :)

Troy and Rachel said...

Congratulations on becoming a family of 5!! How exciting! I'm sorry about the 10 day wait, but enjoy your time there!! It will be over before you know it!

Amber D said...

So much for the "uneventful" court date I was praying for! Congrats on officially becoming parents for a third time.

kate s. said...

Yippppeeee! CONGRATS, parents of Brady, Madison, AND Blake!!!!! WOW, truly exciting!

What a's good you got ready early for court :). Thanks for sharing all the interesting to learn about this process.

Bummer about not having Blake with you at the Vlad Inn, but your visits will be special, quality time!

What a gorgeous couple you guys are :).

Rich and Jolynn said...

Wow, that time change would have made me sick right on the spot. It is such a roller coaster ride. I hope you will be able to see Blake during the wait.

Congratulations! We are so happy for your family of five! So Cool!


Unknown said...

Congrats guys! Gloria and I are looking forward to meeting all 3 of you. We assume we will be at the VMI on the 25th or 26th. I just looked at your timeline on the blog, almost 13 months to the day since you applied to CHI. Probably seems like forever. Have fun with your visits and see you next week?.


Joel and Clarion said...

Wow! What an incredible day. I can't imagine the time change for court. Wow! We're glad to hear that the court decision was in your favor. Congratulations!!! We're so thrilled for you. Sorry Blake can't be with you at the hotel. We hope you can visit him regularly. Take some time and enjoy Vlad! If the cafes are open down by the beach, go have some shashleek (kabobs). They're great! Looking forward to hearing about your next visit with Blake. You remain in our prayers!

Mary E. said...

Congratulations!! What an adventure you've been through already. I'm sorry Blake won't be staying with you, but I look forward to hearing about your visits and will be praying that everything from here on out goes very smoothly. It must be overwhelming but such a blessing! Congratulations to Brady and Maddie on becoming big brother (again!) and big sister!

Karl and Abby said...

Whew! What a day guys! Congratulations on becoming legal parents of your third child, Blake!! I'm sure it will be such a blessing to get see all three of your children together at home in the coming weeks! Congrats to Brady and Madison too, big brother and big sis!!

Tracey and Chuck said...

Congratulations!!! Hopefully the 10 day wait will go very quickly for you!!! Thanks for giving us (waiting to be parents) a heads up on the possible questions in court.
Enjoy the visits with Blake.

cheryl (aunt booger) said...

so glad everything went well in court. mommy and daddy of three. i am disappointed you don't get to have blake during the 10 day peroid. enjoy the visits you do get. you have rest of your lifes with him. i am sooooooooo happy for you. love you all. grady and addy come tommrow to spend the night, i can't wait. we are going to the mexican fiesta with alexis and trevor. then maybe the pancake supper in cameron. what a combo mex/pancake. blake welcome to the family we are all anxious to meet you and get to know you. we love you already. see you soon.

Bill and Myra said...

Congrats! I am so happy for you. I can just picture Irina yelling on the phone and the mad dash to downtown Vladivostok!

I am so happy for you both. I am so sorry that you could not have your child during the 10 day wait but so excited that you will be bringing home a very lucky child.

Give my best to Irina and Lana.

Blessing to you all!


Carey and Norman said...

Congratulations. So sorry to hear that they didn't waive the 10 days. At least, you were prepared for this news. Looking forward to hearing about your wait and seeing pictures of Blake soon to come!