Saturday, August 8, 2009

Back to work.

I anticipate my blogging days are going to be few and far between now. I started back to work full time this week. August for me at work is like tax season for accountants – completely insane. Nothing like jumping back in with both feet. Thursday marked the 3 month mark for Blake being home. He changes so much each day. It is hard not to be with him and witness all of the changes first hand. The grandma’s are watching Brady, Madison, and Blake for the next couple of weeks until school starts. It is a blessing to have this arrangement for them. I wish I had time to give more specific updates, but this is the best I can do for now. I will share a few pictures for your enjoyment.

Here is Brady practicing his spying techniques. I think he looks like a cat burglar coming down the laundry shoot!

Here is Blake in his 'beep beep'.

There are some times as a parent that you have to choose to enjoy the moment and the photo opportunities your children present to you. Last week I had told Madison to go in and take a shower. She asked very sweetly, "Mom do you mind if I just take a bath in you and dad's bathroom." I told that would be fine. About 15 minutes pass and I asked Brady to holler in at Madison and have her get out of the tub. Another 5 minutes passed and I realize that I haven't heard a peep from my three little angels which tends to be a bad sign. I go into our bathroom to find the tub filled with bubbles and the three of them making beards and wigs with the bubbles. Initially I was a bit annoyed because now they would have to not only still have to take a shower to rinse out all of the soap, I knew I would be the one cleaning up the tub full of bubbles. But they were laughing and having so much fun, I decided to grab the camera and mark this down as one of those times they will look back on and laugh.


Bill and Michelle Curran said...

Ha! Looks like they dumped out an ENTIRE bottle of bubbles!!!

cheryl (aunt booger) said...

how much bubble bath is in the bath tub???? looks like they had fun, just think of that when you clean up the tub.

Laura said...

Kristina is home 3 months this Sunday and I start back at work on Monday. She's our first (and will be our only...) child and it was soooo hard taking her to "school" this past week and leaving her! I don't even want to imagine how hard it will be next week. Was it hard on you to leave your first child (and second and now Blake)?

The pictures...priceless!

~Laura :)