Tuesday, November 4, 2008

New vocabulary word

We finally have all of our registration documents gathered and notorized. This past week I worked frantically to get all of them together. I found out that the newest checklist required one additional marriage certificate so I had to get another copy of ours. I was worried that I would have to drive to Rock Island to get them. Now, because of good old credit cards you can request them over the phone and make payment that way. I was quite relieved. Now Justin and I need to make a trip to Springfield to have the documents apostilled.

Apostille is a French word which means a certification. It is commonly used in English to refer to the legalization of a document for international use under the terms of the 1961 Hague Convention (I'll let you research that one on your own). The Apostille is done by the Secretary of State in the state where the document originated. It basically means that the Secretary of State acknowledges/verifies that the person notarizing your paper is a true notary and that they are currently commissioned with the state.

I am very antsy to get this done. Perhaps Wednesday afternoon we will be making the trip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're getting so close! The last few steps seem to take the longest, don't they? I hope you're able to make the trip soon & get those papers sent off, which is surprisingly hard to do, by the way :-)
