Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Marathon

We have 4 Christmas gatherings down and 2 more to go. We have had a great time with our families so far and Brady and Madison love staying up late. One highlight for me was being at my mom and dad’s house. They have a wall of pictures with the grandchildren on it. They had printed the picture we emailed out of Blake, framed it, and added it to the wall. It is great to see. In a way it is kind of ‘weird’. Our feelings and love for Blake are so real and yet the situation doesn’t seem real at all. No one but Justin and I have even laid on this lil guy. Hopefully, sooner than later, that will all change and everyone else can see what a sweet boy he is!

Here are a few Christmas photos to share.

Brady and Madison on Christmas Eve.

Our little poser!

Brady with his Harry Potter nesting dolls from Blake.

Madison with her 101 Dalmation nesting dolls from Blake.

Juatin with his 1985 Chicago Bear Superbowl Champions nesting dolls from Blake. (He was such a good sport playing along with my picture taking!)

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