Tuesday, December 2, 2008

They Arrived!

I am very happy to announce that our visas and passports arrived this morning safe and sound. What a huge relief! Justin and I bought a few toys to take with us this afternoon while Madison was at dance and Brady was at his piano lesson. We are taking things that will help us evaluate fine and gross motor skills as well as cognitive development. We have been given advice by other adoptive parents. So specifically we have gotten items that will show his ability to stack, sort, put together, and then of course playdough, cars, bubbles, etc... for fun. My mom sewed a super cute fleece blanket with matching pillow that fits into a little matching fleece bag. She is so talented (a skill I have never learned!) We are hoping that the photobook we put together will arrive tomorrow (thanks Mary for all the great pictures to chose from). We will be able to leave the album behind and the caregivers will go through it with the lil guy until our return on trip number two. There is still lots to do, but we are getting close to having everything gathered.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

This photo was taken this morning of Brady and Maddie standing in the first snow of the session which fell over the weekend. I thought my family in the southern states (Texas, Arkansas, Georgia and Florida) might like to see what they are missing out on! HaHa

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