Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It’s Ok to Ask - Really

I have noticed lately that as I run into various people that they are naturally curious about the adoption process and how we chose to go down this path. The ‘brave’ ones that ask the questions that are on their minds usually preface it with something along these lines… “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want.” Or “This may be too personal, but…” I just want to let anyone know that reads this that Justin and I are both very happy to answer any questions that you may have. We are not offended by them - as long as you are polite of course :o) and enjoy telling our family’s story. There are some details we have not posted on this blog. I try to be an open book to help others and to document our journey, but I have deliberately left off a couple of key things. Why international adoption? Why Russia? Why not have another child ‘naturally’? These are all questions we are very comfortable answering, but they are not questions I am comfortable blogging about. We never want it to appear that we feel that our decisions would be right for everyone. We have made our decisions based on what we feel is best for our family. This is not to say our way is better AT ALL. It is just better for us. So in order to do our best not to offend, confuse, or hurt anyone we have opted to not write about those things online. If you see either of us and you have questions feel free to fire away. You may regret that you did so though because we may talk your ear off and tell you wayyyy more than you wanted to know! If you aren’t in the area and you would like to chat, just send me an email and we can communicate that way or we can exchange phone numbers, Skype accounts or IM accounts (gotta love technology!).

Heather's email address: jnhoverstreet@yahoo.com
Justin’s email address: justinoverstreet75@yahoo.com

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, I linked to your blog from others that I have been looking at. My wife and I are awaiting a referral of a 4-7 year old boy(s) from Vlad. We are from Elwood, Illinois (by Joliet) and are hoping to get our referral, literally "any minute" as our agency was contacting the MOE last night to enquire. I wanted to thank you for posting some of the "little things" that you experienced in Vlad as I'm sure we will fing them valuable in our travels.

Ken and Gloria Duda.