Monday, May 4, 2009

Random photos

For our last posting in Russia we thought we would leave you with some random photos. We will update everyone when we return to the States. We will get in late Wednesday evening and so if we can function at all on Thursday we will update everyone then. Thank you again for your support, emails, comments, and prayers. God has taken us on an amazing journey and we hope by remaining faithful to His callings we can continue to be as blessed as we feel right now with our three amazing children!

Blake loves all things electronic including my Ipod!

Here is one of our least favorite baby home outfits. His mouth is full of fruit loops. His nose is runny. He had tights on of course under his sweat pants. And as you can see his shirt is obnoxious and says Girl Part. What is that all about?!?!

On the Sunday evening before we left we decided to play Russian menu roulette (nothing is in English and there aren’t pictures by each item so you point to a random food item and hope it is edible) at the AHHA restaurant by the Vlad Inn. We found out two days later that the restaurant was not even Russian food it is Armenian food. Ohh well it was fun!

Here is Blake making friends with Bodi Bear… well in this picture he is being Bodi Bird!

Here is a photo of the gang at the potluck that I high jacked from the True’s blog. From left to right is Amy, her dad Randy and son Walker from North Carolina; Fred and Heather from Newfoundland, Canada. Their daughter will be joining them today; Vickie, Victoria and Jennifer from California; Sandy, Ryan, and Bodi from Colorado; and me, Justin, and Blake.

Blake on the plane sporting some of the freebies he got in his Aeroflat bag on the plane to Moscow.

Fountain in Red Square

Blake and Papa – Red Square

Blake loves to pose for Mama and say "Cheese"!

St. Basil Cathedral in Red Square

Jumping off of Mama’s back in the hotel room. What would the caregivers back in Vlad say about this horseplay!?!?


Anonymous said...

I know the trip has been exhausting but you're almost done! Blake looks so happy with you. I hope he has an easy transition to his new life in his new home. You have been richly blessed with 3 beautiful children. Can't wait to see the introduction pictures!

Safe Travels!

cheryl (aunt booger) said...

thanks for the pictures. i enjoyed them. see you wednesday. have a great trip home.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see you two and meet little Mr Blake!! Looks like he is LOVING life with his mama and papa!! Sooooo glad it has gone so well!
Miss you tons!! Be safe


Mandi, Chris and Maicyn

Tracey and Chuck said...

Wonderful news that you will be heading home in just another day or so. Blake looks so happy in all of the pictures. He is just a beautiful little boy.
Safe travels home. Will look forward to an update when you get home.


Carolynn and Steve said...

So very glad to hear that you're almost home! Thanks for sharing the pictures, and prayers for safe travels home!


Jennifer said...

Almost home finally! I am so glad our plaths crossed and you, Justin and Blake shared with me the beginning days of enjoying Victoria.....We have been blessed with amazing children...God is always good =)!!!!

Carey and Norman said...

What a sweetie pie! Love all the pictures!