Blake is doing great communicating with us and is showing great signs of attachment. He says please, up, nose, eyes, Blake (sounds like Blawck), Brady (sounds like Breey), and Madison (sounds like Mayeson), and sebaka Annie. Words like sebaka (dog) and paka (bye) are too cute to change. We know he will lose all of his Russian babble in no time. He loves to be tossed around by Justin and to cuddle with me when he is tired. He is a major copy cat so we have to be careful with what we say and do.
On Saturday we walked around the streets in the Sokolinki. There is a big ‘amusement park’ that we spent hours walking around. Then we went to a Mexican restaurant to eat. We have since decided that Russian Mexican is not the best choice! We can’t wait for Guadalajara and El Ranch at home.
Today is Sunday. CHI set up a tour of Moscow with Olga for us. It was good to see some of the sights, and Justin enjoyed hearing about the history behind the area. Olga was great with Blake. It was fun to have her speaking to him and tell us what he was saying. She asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. She asked if he wanted to be a sportsman or a soldier. He said no, I want to be like my papa. She thought that was very sweet (and so did Justin!). Often times she said she was surprised by how much he speaks for a three year old. By then end of the tour he had her laughing because he asked her if she could take us back to the room so he could play with his toys. He also told her he is very happy to be with us forever. He is just wayyy to cute! We hope to post one more time before our 24 hours of internet runs out! Paka…
First McDonald’s Happy Meal. He wasn’t too impressed. Right now he loves bananas, yogurt, and tomatoes which probably have a bit more nutritional value than a hamburger and fries.
Here we are on some bridge – I couldn’t keep track of the name of everything!
This duck monument was cute. The inscription read…”This sculpture is given in love and friendship to the children of the Soviet Union on behalf of the children of the United States. It is based on the beloved American children’s story “Make Way for Ducklings” by Robert McCloskey. The sculpturess is Nancy Schon 1991. Presented by Mrs. Barbara Bush.”
And here is Blake eating his first ice cream cone. We wouldn’t dare do this in Vlad as they believe that you should not give children anything cold because it is bad for their glands. They serve their milk warm and would never dream of giving children ice cream. It appears as though here in Moscow they are a bit more daring and no one scolded us or even looked at us funny for giving our child ice cream!
Thank you for paying for the expensive internet access so you can keep all us posted, too! I'm sure Brady and Madison are excited to "see you" again, too, via internet..and see their brother :).
Oh my, could that Blake get any cuter?!?!??!! The stories you share on your blog are so sweet. This Overstreet family of 5 was meant to be. I am just so sad to not live in Illinois anymore to get to know this special little Blake.
Enjoy your final days in Moscow. Glad you have an opportunity to experience the sights. You'll be on your way home SOON.....
Yea! You are headed home soon!! Wooo hooo!
Hamburgers and fries may not be his favorite yet -- but the boy can use a little extra of that fat! Just like T!!
He's such a sweetheart. Enjoy.
Sounds like you guys are enjoying Moscow. We did too, but were so ready to head home. Sokolniki is a great area. Hopefully the weather is nice. Hopefully Blake will remember some of his Russian, but with our boys it sure disappeared quickly. The only word they still use is "da." It's actually very cute. Blessings as you spend your last three days in Russia!
enjoyed youe entry. blake looks soooooooooo cute and happy.i bet justin was a proud papa when blake said he wanted to be like him. i am glad you are enjoying moscow, but we will be happy to have you home. madison's tumbling was fun, we enjoyed it and i was glad i went, they did the hand dance again and brady came sat up front with me and said he was doing it with them, of course it was to dark to see if he was. but cute anyway. they raffled of baskets of things and there were three scrapbook based ones. madison drew the name for the one i really wanted, but she forgot to draw my name. i forgave her. it was fun. sorry this is so long. we miss you guys and we love you all. safe trip back to illinois.
Glad to see all is going well in Moscow! Ahh ~ how valuable internet access is! Has your cold gone away? A cold is the last thing you need when traveling a long flight with a 3 year old (although Blake seems to be handling flying like a trooper!).
"Monkey see, monkey do" with you guys, too, eh? I keep telling Jon to be careful -- Kristina mimicks everything, then I give Jon that look, and she laughs and does it again. I'm constantly redirecting.
Best wishes for a tranquil flight home!
I bet you can't wait to get home, soon enough. Garrett loved bananas, yogurt,and tomatoes. We took Garrett to McDonald's in Moscow, and he didn't care for the food at first. Now he loves the chicken nuggets and ff's. He likes ice cream now. I am so happy that Blake is bonding, God's timing is everything. Glory to God!
Carol, Carl, and Garrett
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