Friday, February 13, 2009

Creative Family

I find myself looking for 'signs' in about everything. I know I am being ridiculous, but I can't help myself. Our photo album we but together for court finally arrived yesterday and today my electronic translator was returned to me. My hopes get heighten a bit... hey perhaps now that we have this stuff we will get some information. It usually doesn't take me long to squash my own hopes and positive feelings, but they sure are fun while they last.

Speaking of fun. I just have to say that there are many people in my family that are so craftsey, talented, and resourceful. I don't know why I didn't get any of those genes, but I am thankful that they are so giving and willing to share their talents. My Aunt Betty Ann lives in Texas. She is obsessed - ok very fond of - turtles. Yesterday she shipped a package to Brady, Madison,and Blake. Each item is made out of lodge type fabric that matches Blake's room and had a little note attached.

This is a pillow for Brady so that he and Blake would have something to match.

This is a little purse with some money inside so that Madison can take her brothers out to lunch when Blake arrives home. She thinks this is soooo cool!

This is Brady and Madison holding Blake's turtle pillow and puppet. Too cute!

I have another aunt - Aunt Cheryl that lives close by that started a tradition of helping Brady and Madison with their school Valentine's. I personally think she was taking pity on them becuase she knew their mom was hopeless in this catergory - lol. Anyway she suprised them with a cute container filled with candy that they can use for their pencils and such later on.

Have a great weekend. Be sure to tell the special people in your life Ya Tiba Loo Bloo on Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

junglemama said...

What awesome crafts! Happy Valentine's Day!