Friday, March 27, 2009

Another step in the right direction!

It seems like months ago that our papers were submitted to the court, when in reality it was just 4 days ago. We received another mini update from our agency today. I can’t tell you how even the smallest updates sooth our nerves. It is like craving chocolate and getting just ONE Hershey’s Kiss – it is just enough to take the edge off! (o: So here is the latest info…

Our dossier (that is the fancy name for all of our paperwork) was submitted to court. The judge was assigned and has already reviewed our documents. Right now our documents are being reviewed by the prosecutor's office. Once that is done we should find out the court date. Our agency still believes that our court date will be sometime in April. Our first documents to expire are our medicals. If you remember they cannot be more than three months old. The three month mark is on April 24th. Hopefully we are looking at a date prior to the 24th.

Enjoy the upcoming weekend. Amy and Tatiana should be returning home from Vlad. We have been praying for safe travels for them and also for Nancy and her family. They head out for Vlad tomorrow. We get to head to Cedar Rapids, IA to Madison’s dance competition, and we will be taking my niece along with us. I am excited to spend time with her. Thanks for all of your continued support. We are especially thankful for our amazing prayer warriors. We appreciate you all so much! Have a blessed weekend!


Gloria said...

Glad to hear you got a little information. Something is better than nothing. We can only imaginewhat you are going through. It has been hard enough to wait to leave for our first trip to see our kiddos. We leave on 04/04 for our first trip. We are going to Vlad. We will keep our fingers crossed for you that you get a court date real soon!

Ken & Gloria Duda

Eric & Becky said...

We are so excited for you guys and praying you will get news next week. Start packing!!!!

Kim said...

I know what you mean. Any piece of news sends me in a tizzy. :) March is almost over! Yipeeeee!

Rich and Jolynn said...

I am Praying that you hear about a court date as soon as possible. It just has to be before the 3 month time-frame expires.

Carolynn and Steve said...

So glad that you have good news--praying that you'll have your court date very soon!

True Story said...

Heather! It's coming soon! Hope to see you and little Blake in Vlad!!! Great news; We are that we and other parents (case by case) are being aloud to keep the child at the hotel during the 10 days.. so bring lots of clothes! :)