Monday, March 16, 2009


Thank you for all of your creative suggestions. (For my scrapbooking friends and family check out the record your voice sheets that Amy mentions). I knew I could count on you guys to help us out. We have decided to take Nancy’s suggestion and make a short video for them to play for Blake. We are a bit nervous about this because we only know like 10 Russian words and they don’t really go together to make any sense (hello, good bye, thank you, please, etc…) But we do know Ya tibya lo bloo which is perhaps the most important one – I love you! We have to get our act together though because Nancy, Nathan and Brian leave on March 28th to head to Vlad. YIKES! The pressure is on, but again we are very grateful to have ‘met’ such caring people through this process. To know that Blake is going to get another dose of reassurance that we love him and are in deed coming back for him is a blessing.

1 comment:

Joel and Clarion said...

Do you guys have the CD set, "Russian for Adoptive Parents"? That's very helpful for good phrases to communicate with your child. There are a lot of good ones you could use in a video. We used these with our boys. We wouldn't have made it without them! Check it out: