Sunday, March 15, 2009

Input needed – another amazing opportunity

This is gonna be short and to the point cause my cold medicine is making me super sleepy. Just as I was getting ready to shut down the computer tonight an email came into my inbox from Nancy. She and her husband are adopting their second son from Russia and they are traveling in a couple of weeks. Nathan, their first son was adopted from Vlad as well. It turns out that he was in the Artem baby home when he was there. So when they go in a couple of weeks they are taking Nathan back for a visit. She has so kindly offered to do something for Blake while she is there.

This is where Justin and I need some advice, input, thoughts etc… We know that the baby homes are cautious about favoritism or letting the children have their OWN belongings. Most everything is community property. We of course could send more pictures, but he has two albums now. So here are our questions?

What, if anything should we send? Remembering also that they will have limited space in their luggage.
What could we send for the whole group?
What will help him remember us or comfort him in knowing that we are coming back?

We are at a loss here. We don’t want to miss this amazing opportunity. What if we don’t get the call for another 2 months or so? I would hate to think that we passed up this chance to make contact with him in some way. He is only 3 and doesn’t know any English so that limits our ideas as well.

HELP! Any ideas are welcome. If you prefer you can email us directly at

Nancy – Thank you so much for your offer! Your kindness means a great deal to us.


Nancy said...

I have an about videotaping yourselves and putting it on a DVD? We could play it for him on our laptop? That way, it's not another "thing" for the baby home to keep track of, but he'd be able to see you?

the johnson's said...

There is a scrapbooking voice recorder that is found at It allows you to record up to 30 seconds of audio. It's small and very thin so that it works nicely in your scrapbooking albums,and so it would lend itself to easy travel as well. You could record a short message with simple Russian that says you love him and will be back soon for him? You could have Nancy add the recorder to one of the existing pages in his photo albums or you could just put together a new page to add to the album with the voice recorder already enclosed? They could then show him how to push the button so this way he could play the message over and over again? Amy

Unknown said...

Hi guys we are going on trip one and will be meeting up with Nancy and family in VLAD. We are looking to adopt a sibling pair and are taking two small identical pillows with our picture on them. We bought iron on's and printed the picture and then put in on the pillow(case). the pillows are only like 8 inches square. Ken and Gloria.

Anonymous said...

I left my son with a little teddy bear between trips. The bear was wearing a shirt that I had put my picture on (I had it sikscreened on to it - as he was only 2 and I didn't know if they would really show him pictures). You could do that and now that you have pictures with your son you could put a picture of all of you on the bear. Anothr family I traveled with brought a whole bunch of beach balls and the kids and staff LOVED them. They gave several to each room and the staff hung them on ropes and let the kids play. Maybe you could do something for your son and then one gift or treat for the group.