Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Time sure is interesting. It amazes me on one hand it is inching by. Each day seems like an eternity and like we will never make our way back to Russia. On the other hand the days are flying by. With each day Brady, Madison, and Blake get older. I find myself wishing the days would go by so fast so that we could get back to Russia, and then I am mad at myself for wishing that the days go by fast. Quite confusing actually.

So what helps a lot is 'Brady & Maddie distractions'. They do help time fly, but we enjoy each moment we can with them. This week it seems the favorite activity is cooking.

Here is Brady cooking turkey burgers. He was quite proud of himself.

Here are the chefs making cake for our small group meeting on Sunday night. They decided to add blue food coloring to yellow cake mix and guess what they got…. green cake. Brady then decided to make black frosting and call them swamp cakes.

Then Monday night we made cupcakes for Madison to take to school. She really loves anything chocolate. Wonder where she gets that?

This is clean up – a relaxing bubble bath before bedtime.

I love the artistic contrast here - Snow white clean bubbles vs. Chocolatey brown chubby cheeks :-)


Anonymous said...

Too cute:). This reminds me of when I kept Madison a few days when I was home w/ Teagan in Oct. 2006....and we made rice krispie treat pumpkins! I would LOVE to see B and M now....how much they have grown in two years!!

Brady, creative cake creation :). How did it taste??

Heather, I'm off to the dentist this morning...blah. I'm trying to look at it as 2 1/2 hours of being able to sit in a chair kid free (trying to ignore the drilling of course :).

Anonymous said...

cute i love the chocolate cheeks maddie. so how was the swamp cake? brady and maddie are great distractions for you. thank and hug them from me. maddie's love of chocolate runs in the family. laura and claire both wanted chocolate yesterday after the fire. hmmmmmmm.

Amy said...

Cute pics :) Hoping to see you at the end of the month ;)

Troy and Rachel said...

Heather, I just found your blog and wanted to stop by to say we were praying you get your court date soon. We adopted through CHI and have been home almost a year now. What a miracle all children are!