Thursday, October 30, 2008

And then

So the rest of July and into the first part of August we got all of our paperwork and education hours done. We were just waiting for the DCFS approval so that we could send the homestudy down to the state for their approval. Finally in the second week of August the letter arrives and Carole is ready to ship off the packet. But – wait!!! Of course it can’t be that simple. Just one week prior to Lifelink finds out that the state of Illinois has raised its hours of face-to-face consultation by 1.5 hours. So before we can send out the packet we have to document the additional time. Any kind of parenting class or anything would work. We didn’t want to drive over to Peoria – plus Carole was leaving for vacation. We called all of the agencies in McDonough and Warren County. None of them were offering sessions until over the start of the school year. Ugh! Luckily there was a very nice lady that works with Catholic Social Services in Macomb that agreed to put together a few things and meet with Justin and I one-on-one for the hour and a half- for free! We did that on August 13th . I faxed the letter she wrote to Carole that night and the homestudy was sent off to the state for their seal of approval on August 14th.

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