Saturday, January 3, 2009

Heart Felt Comments/Gestures

I am so appreciative of all of the things that people say and do that just help to solidify that Blake is a natural part of our family and that we have so many people supporting us. The emails and comments on the blog are always so appreciated. Here are a few other things that are coming to mind right now that I want to journal. I have already shared in a previous post that my mom has added Blake’s photo to the grandchild photo gallery on her wall. So sweet. Justin’s sister-in-law explained to us over Christmas that when she opened the picture we emailed out she was surprised that Blake looked so familiar to her - like she in some way knew him already and that he would fit nicely in the family. Exactly what Justin and I felt! We have had a couple of people marvel at the fact that we did not travel to Russia and pick him out from a group of children. – that he was picked for our family. It just seems like such a perfect fit. People are at a loss of how this can happen. I have no doubt in my mind – God’s divine plan! Another super sweet thing to share is that Blake ‘received’ his first Christmas gift this year. It came from Denny and Kathy Overstreet. It was so sweet it brought tears to my eyes. They gave him some first word picture books, an adorable handmade pillow case, and a beautiful quilt that Kathy made. Justin and I also got a beautiful quilt! Of course I claim to not even know how to sew on a button so the fact that people have such talent is amazing to me. We got a real quick quilt lesson and found out that Kathy chose the quilt pattern because it is called Around the World and felt that was very appropriate for Blake. I guess the name comes from the center square being one color and then spirals out from the center and the pattern continues. So sweet!

I have really enjoyed the past two weeks of having Brady and Madison home from school. We are going to have a hard time getting back into the normal routine. Back to nagging them to get ready for school, to get their reading minutes in, practicing piano, get to bed, get to sleep, rush, rush, rush. I have been able to be super productive at work and get several things organized. I am feeling a need to be on top of everything so that when it is time for us to make trip number two I don’t have too many major loose ends. I have also used some of this holiday time (between games of Pictureka and Guess Who) reading several blogs of other adoptive families. I just finished one from a family that received their court date within two months of returning from trip one. That is the fastest I have seen so far. I find myself getting my hopes up a bit…

Blake's Quilt - Around the World pattern

Back side of the quilt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful quilt! How "official" if feels then to have Blake a family member :). I can tell how loved Blake is already and how the love will overflow from family and friends once he arrives home in Macomb. He is one lucky little boy to have been brought to your family.

Are you getting his room set up? I'm assuming his room will be the once called guest room....yellow, right? I am trying to remember your paint colors :).

By the way, Justin- your hardwood floors continue to look beautiful in the nesting doll pictures...I remember the hard word it took you and Critter to get that floor just perfect :).

I continue to check for updates on your blog....waiting anxiously for news of your return to Russia to bring Blake home.

So wish we still lived in Macomb to be with you all.....I keep imagining how much fun Teagan would have with Madison and Brady now! And I need you back as my running partner, Heather!!!

Always thinking of you.....