Sunday, January 11, 2009

How can we help?

Justin and I have had many people ask us that question. How can we help? We are surrounded by so many generous people who want to help us in some way along our adoption journey and we have been at a loss as how to best involve people other than to ask for continual prayer and encouragement. We have made adjustments in our budget, spending habits, etc… to help us pay for the expenses associated with international adoption so we feel that one way or another it will work out. So again we just weren’t sure how to involve others in our journey. Then one evening it hit us. We aren’t the ones that need help. The children and the baby homes and orphanages are the ones that need our help. When we return for trip number two we will be making a donation to the Artyem Baby Home. This is customary for couples to do. Typically what happens is that you take extra money with you and then purchase items in Russia that are requested by the baby home or orphanage based on whatever their immediate need may be. Some items include playpens, diapers, medications, art supplies, playground equipment, shoes, clothing, funds for a summer camp, etc…

We would love to be able to really make a donation that will have a lasting impact for the children in Artyem. If you would like to help us make that possible and join us in our efforts we would ask that you make a monetary donation by clicking on the button on the right of this page which will take you to a secure site to enter your donation. If you wish to hand deliver or mail a donation instead of using the site, we will deposit it into the fund for you. Of course we aren’t setting this up with any official taxing bodies so this donation will not be tax deductible.

We will be elated to report back to you what we are able to do for the Baby Home once we are in Vladivistock. We thank you in advance for your generosity.

~Justin, Heather, Brady, Madison, Blake and the children in Artyem.


Anonymous said...

i think this is a great idea. i would never have thoght of it. it gives us something to think about.

Kim said...

What a great idea. We are planning on doing the same thing. For our first adoption we sent a letter to our family and friends, and were able to spend a lot of money on the children. (This was after the social worker at the BH wanted us to buy air conditioners for the staff's offices, uh huh!) :-)
