Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Brady says…

So tucking Brady in tonight he asks, “Mom, do you think someone else went to try to adopt Blake and decided not to?” My reply, “Ummmm – no not really.” (very nonchalant and noncommittal) Brady then says, “Good, I think the Lord made it that way. I just can’t wait to squeeze that little guy and hear him say Oye!!!” He then began laughing and we talked again about all of the cool things Blake will have to discover. I figured it was time to bring the conversation to an end when he pointed out that Blake would think his silver caps in his mouth (darn cavities) were cool too. I thought at that point he was trying to prolong bedtime!

Yesterday we received one of the documents we are waiting for from Vlad. It is the court petition. There is one more document to come. I haven’t quite got a complete understanding of what this last one is exactly, but from what I gather it is the document that prolongs everything. I am hoping to fully understand what exactly it is and I’ll let you know. Also yesterday we did some shopping. We bought wooden blinds for Blake’s room and found some amazing deals on some clothes. I felt like we were jinxing ourselves by shopping – I mean we don’t even know if we will return when it is still cold outside or not. Justin convinced me that it didn’t matter. If it turns out that we don’t need these things then we will have them to give to a family that is need of winter clothing next year. I did want to buy a heavy coat. I figured if we waited much longer then there wouldn’t be much to choose from unless I ordered it online. We decided to go with one of the winter coats that has two liners zipped together. Then we can separate them into two spring jackets as well. The four of us had a good time. Of course it didn’t help at all with our anxiety – but I am realizing that not much is going to help until our flight lands back in Vlad!

Tonight I would like to remind you to take a moment if you haven’t already done so to pray for our new president Barack Obama. No matter what our political or religious views are, we need to hope and pray that we can all rally behind change that can positively impact our country and the world. We also wanted to let Denny Overstreet know that we are thinking of him as he prepares for back surgery tomorrow. We hope all goes according to plan and he is back on track in no time!

We are expecting a heat wave tomorrow – a high of 37 degrees. Yahoooo!


debbiemetzger said...

Heather and Justin,

It sounds like Brady and Madison will make great big brother and sister to little Blake. Let Brady know that God is in every detail of little Blakes life and future. Our little one did meet another family before us. They declined her, but met the child God had for them. We met them in Vlad when we went to meet our daughter...they were on the court trip for their son and the three of them were definately ment to be together. They were so happy we chose to adopt our daughter, they still had strong feelings for her and hoped she would be adopted. Then a second family was referred to our daughter and they became pregnant and disqualified to adopt. So we were then able to get the green light to meet our precious daughter. God is in every detail of the journey of each of our lives. Our daughter was born on the exact day our first homestudy was completed.

I think the second document you are waiting for from Vlad is the official medical statement. Even though you went through everything in Vlad with the baby home doctor. It all has to be written on a formal document and appoved by MOE and the Social Worker before they send it to you for notarized signatures and apostile. It does feel like all this could be done quicker, but they have their system and it does eventually work and you will return for your precious Blake. Remeber God is in every detail even the delays.

Blessings to you and your family. I agree, we all need to pray for President Obama and our Country.

Amy said...

tag! you're it! check out my blog for details...